PowerShell script:
function New-SPPage{
# Create From Xml
if ($CreateFromXml) {
# Read in list of pages from XML
[xml]$pagesXML = Get-Content $($XmlInput)
if ($pagesXML -eq $null) { return }
# Get publishing web
$siteUrl = $pagesXML.configuration.siteUrl
$regionUrl =$pagesXML.configuration.regionUrl
$site = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($SiteUrl)
$psite = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingSite($site)
# Loop through each web node to extract filename
$pagesXML.configuration.webs.web | ForEach-Object {
$webUrl = [string]$_.GetAttribute("url")
$fullUrl = $siteUrl + $regionUrl +$webUrl
$sitecol = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($fullUrl)
$web = $sitecol.OpenWeb()
$pWeb = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb]::GetPublishingWeb($web)
$pagesnode = $_.pages
#loop through each page node to get the page properties
$pagesnode.page | ForEach-Object {
$PageTitle = [string]$_.pageTitle
$PageUrl = [string]$_.pageUrl
$PagePublishingPageImage =[string]$_.PublishingPageImage
$PublishingPageContent = [string]$_.PublishingPageContent
$PublishingPageContent2 = [string]$_.PublishingPageContent2
$PageLayoutCT = [string]$_.pageLayoutCT
$PageLayoutName =[string]$_.pageLayoutName
$PageHeading = [string]$_.pageHeading
$ctype = $psite.ContentTypes[$PageLayoutCT]
$layout = $psite.GetPageLayouts($ctype, $true) | where{$_.name -eq $PageLayoutName}
Write-Host "Creating $($PageTitle)"
# Create blank page
$pages = $pWeb.GetPublishingPages($pWeb)
$page = $pages.Add($PageUrl, $Layout)
#$newPage = $pWeb.AddPublishingPage($PageUrl,$PageLayout)
# Update the filename to the one specified in the XML
$item = $page.ListItem
$item["Title"] = $PageTitle;
$item["Page Image"] = $PagePublishingPageImage;
$item["Page Content"] = $PublishingPageContent;
$item["Page Content 2"] = $PublishingPageContent2
$item["Page Heading"] = $PageHeading;
# Check-in and publish pages
CheckInPage -page $page -web $web
# and approve pages
ApprovePage -page $page
}#End ForEach Pages
} #End ForEach Loop Web
# Dispose of the web
} #End CreateFromXml
} #End function
function CheckInPage ($page, $web)
#Check to ensure the page is checked out by you, and if so, check it inif ($page.ListItem.File.CheckedOutBy.UserLogin -eq $web.CurrentUser.UserLogin)
$page.CheckIn("Page checked in automatically by PowerShell script")
write-host $page.Title"("$page.Name") has been checked in"
{ write-host $page.Title"("$page.Name") has not been checked in as it is currently checked out to"$page.ListItem.File.CheckedOutBy
function ApprovePage ($page)
#Check to ensure page requires approval, and if so, approve it
if ($page.ListItem["Approval Status"] -eq 0)
write-host $page.Title"("$page.Name") is already approved"
$page.ListItem.File.Approve("Page approved automatically by PowerShell script")
write-host $page.Title"("$page.Name") has been approved"
write-host $page.Title"("$page.Name") does not require approval in this site" }
Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -EA "SilentlyContinue"
new-sppage -createfromxml -xmlinput "C:\Projects\BuildScripts\ArticlePages.xml" -siteurl <siteUrl>
Write-Host "Press any key to continue ..."
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
Add your <siteUrl> and the correct path to the xml file
xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<web url="/Test">
<pageTitle>Article 1</pageTitle>
<pageUrl>pages/Article 1.aspx</pageUrl>
<pageHeading>Our Employee Referral Program</pageHeading>
<PublishingPageImage><img alt="HR News" src="/_layouts/Images/ SampleImages/Sample.png" style="BORDER: 0px solid; "></PublishingPageImage>
Mauris sem eros, pellentesque eu gravida a, congue quis ipsum. In at odio iaculis odio
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in felis elit. Etiam a ante a
<pageLayoutCT>News Article</pageLayoutCT>
<pageTitle>Article 2</pageTitle>
<pageUrl>pages/Article 2.aspx</pageUrl>
<pageHeading>Article 2</pageHeading>
<img alt="HR News" src="/_layouts/Images /SampleImages/Sample.png" style="BORDER: 0px solid; ">
Nunc posuere lorem a turpis pellentesque pulvinar. In nec pretium neque.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sit amet risus urna
<pageLayoutCT>News Article</pageLayoutCT>
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